What parents are saying

"I love this booklet! It's transformed meal time and allowed me to add new food items my little one's lunches and weekly meals. THANK YOU!!
Lyndsey B
Sacramento CA

Mealtime was not just a time of frustration in our house but one that left me feeling guilt as I'd end up just serving mac'n cheese because it was easy. This system not only helped my son eat a variety of new healthy foods but was also a great bonding experience. He also asks if we're going to do the Little Food Passport at every meal. Love it.
Vince and Liz
Denver, CO

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! This was a fun way to introduce new foods into my daughters diet.
Chicago, IL
Best suited for finicky eaters
ages 3-6 who can:

Can form some letters on their own

Can peel off stickers

Signs of independence

How it works
Empowers kids with a game and gives them autonomy in choice, making them more likely to try a new food.

Who it works best for
little finicky eaters that will sometimes try new food but are somewhat fussy in doing so. Parents who are tired of mealtime battles and want to find new healthy foods to incorporate into their diet.

Expert recommended
Little Food Passport is rooted in research from the best strategies to help kids eat healthy, the right way

Began out of frustration and ended with a solution.
Began out of frustration and ended with a solution.
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